The Tree of Life tattoos refers to the mythical divine tree that has been mentioned in various cultures and religions. The origin of the tree of life can be traced back to the Mesopotamian era when the ancient Assyrian scholars referred to a tree that grants immortality and purity.
Tree of Life Symbolism and Importance
The eternal tree of life was then mentioned in almost every culture and religion with similar mythical attributes but none of them called it as Tree of Life. It was called as Tree of Life in Genesis 2:9. The tree was at the center of the Garden of Eden. Bible mentions the tree again in the final chapter where it commanded that only those who follow the commandments will get to enter the garden again and own the tree of life.
As the tree has religious symbolism therefore it became a popular design in the tattoo subculture as well. The tree of Life tattoos saw many changes in designs over the decades. We have tried to include almost all kinds of popular variations in our photo gallery.
The tree of life tattoos is a sacred symbol in all religions. In Christianity, it is believed to provide eternal knowledge and bliss to its owner. In Islam it is known as Sidrat al Muntaha. The Quran mentions it as a tree that can provide immortality.
In Hinduism, it is known as Kalpvriksha. It is said that Demons and Deities churned the ocean (Samundra Manthan) to find Amrit. Kalpvriksha was one of the objects that emerged from the ocean. It was golden in color and it was given to the Deities. The Vedas mentions that a Kalpvriksha can fulfill any desire of its owner.
In Judaism, it is called Etz Chaim. In the Book of Enoch, it is stated that the fruit of the Tree of Life would be given to all those who obey the commandments of God.
Tree of Life Tattoos Meanings
If you have decided to get inked with a tree of life tattoo then here are some meanings that you can convey through your design –
Immortality – Almost all cultures referred that the tree of life can grant immortality to its owner. You can try a tattoo design that conveys a similar meaning. You can base a reason that even though Man is mortal but Ideology is always immortal.
Wealth – Hinduism associated that the Tree of Life can provide unlimited wealth and fame to its owner.
Many people try this design specifically for this meaning. If you have the same intent then try the tree of life tattoo in golden ink.
Knowledge – Few cultures associate agree that Eve ate the apple from the Tree of Life which was forbidden by god. The apple gave Adam and eve all the knowledge of the world but since they disobeyed the almighty therefore they were thrown out of Heaven.
Your tree of life tattoo can also symbolize knowledge. You can add books too to make it look unique.
Fertility – Mesopotamian culture strongly linked the tree of life with fertility. This was associated with philosophical ideology as well as spiritual symbolism. You can try a tree of life tattoo as a spiritual awakening symbol.
Tree of Life Tattoo Ideas
Usually, the Tree of life tattoo is inked in a Yin and yang tattoo style. This is because the yin and yang show the balance of good and bad in the world. It shows that life is incomplete without both. It also symbolizes that there is always something good in bad situations and there is always a little evil in good.
If you do not want to try a tree of life tattoo in yin and yang style then you can follow the ancient art where the tree of life design is often shown with either its protectors or with its beneficiary. In Chinese culture, it was often shown with dragon and Phoenix.
In Mesopotamian culture, it was shown with eagle-headed genies. In Iranian culture, it was depicted with fish and frogs. There are so many possibilities. We have included all of them here.
Check out 180+ Tree of Life tattoo designs that will suit both men and women –
Tree of Life Tattoo Designs

Tree of Life Tattoos For Men
Also read: Lord Ganesh Tattoo Designs

Tree of Life Tattoos For Women

Feminine Tree of Life Tattoos

Tree of Life tattoos have religious symbolism therefore make sure that you do not hurt anyone sentiment by disrespecting this design on your body. You must get it inked on upper part of body to give it utmost respect. Also don’t forget to share our photo gallery on pinterest and Facebook to get a 360 degree review of your tree of life tattoo choice.
References: Tree of Life Tattoo