Welcome to Narnia: Part 1


They say anything and everything in life can be your teacher depending on how you tend to look at and/or listen to/feel the things/places/people around you.

For me, it was photography, collecting and studying tattoos, and studying design overall as well that set my heart on fire long ago. However, over the year or so especially it has allowed me to immerse myself immensely in the tattoo art scene/culture as well as nature/wilderness environments where I have been consistently been spending time lately to photograph, video, hike, meditate, and truthfully get some solitude and allow myself uninterrupted time to process (with my Australian Shepherd usually).

I have captured tens of thousands of images over just the past year alone, but I will try to keep it short and sweet here on this post and select a somewhat concise handful of favorites (although its hard to make selections with how many photos I’ve gathered). I hope you guys find some value within this post/these images and I’d like to thank you all for looking and tuning in. It’s much appreciated to have people interested in what LTF is all about and what we are still becoming to this day.

Enjoy, and by the way you can hopefully expect to see a couple different sets of images from this same theme considering how many more unseen/unused images I have lying around in the vault…

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The post Welcome to Narnia: Part 1 appeared first on Lead The Followers.

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