210+ Atheist Tattoos Ideas (2023)


Let me begin this Atheist tattoos post with a disclaimer that I am a Believer. I Believe in God. We do not outright reject the existence of God.

With the rise of people identifying as atheists in modern times, there has been a growing demand for atheist-themed tattoos.

Atheist tattoos are a powerful medium for expressing one’s non-belief in deities or religious doctrines. Unlike religious tattoos, which often celebrate faith in the divine, atheist tattoos symbolize a commitment to secularism, science, and rational thought.

They are not just about rejecting religious beliefs but also about embracing a worldview grounded in scientific understanding and critical thinking.

Atheist Tattoo Ideas

While some atheist tattoos can be confrontational, many are subtle and focus on the beauty of science and the natural world rather than directly opposing religious beliefs.

Many people like to choose ink that focuses on scientific motifs or imagery mocking religious dogma. Here are some ideas that do so without hurting the religious sentiments of others:

1. The Atomic Whirl: A popular choice among atheists is the atomic whirl, symbolizing a belief in science and rationality over superstition. This design, often incorporating an ‘A’ within an atomic symbol, pays homage to the beauty of the natural world as understood through science.

2. DNA Double Helix: The DNA double helix is a profound symbol of life’s complexity and the marvels of evolution. Atheists often choose this design to express their awe and respect for the natural processes that shape life, underscoring a commitment to scientific explanations over supernatural ones.

3. Darwin’s Tree of Life: Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection is one of the foundation principles of atheism. Get a portrait tattoo of Darwin himself or some image representing his theory like two finches from his expedition to the Galapagos Islands. Other “Survival of the Fittest” tattoos like two animals battling it out make a dramatic statement. For a truly epic piece, get the whole evolutionary ascent tattooed across your back from single-celled organisms to modern human beings.

4. The Celestial Telescope: A telescope pointed towards a starry sky symbolizes the quest for knowledge and the vastness of the universe. This design can be a metaphor for the atheist’s pursuit of truth through observation and evidence.

5. The Empty Set Symbol: In mathematics, the empty set symbol (∅) represents the concept of nothingness or absence. This can be a subtle yet powerful way for atheists to symbolize the absence of belief in deities.

6. Famous Atheist Portraits: Portraits of influential thinkers like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, or Carl Sagan (my favorite) can make meaningful tattoos to honor their impactful roles in advancing secular ethics and rational thought.

7. God is Nowhere: Tattoos featuring ironic or humorous phrases that expose religious fallacies are popular choices. “God is Nowhere” is written continuously so the words can also be read “God is Now Here” exposes the absurdity of God’s supposed omnipresence. Similarly ironic quotes like “Blessed are the Faithless” and “Blasphemy is a Victimless Crime” make striking statement pieces.

8. Quotes on Skepticism: Incorporating quotes from renowned skeptics and atheists can be a deeply personal expression. Phrases like Carl Sagan’s “We are made of star-stuff” or Dawkins’ “The universe has no purpose” can be powerful reminders of an atheist’s worldview.

9. The Solar System: A tattoo piece of the solar system, emphasizing the Earth’s small place in the vast cosmos, can be a humbling reminder of our place in the universe, resonating with the atheist perspective of a natural, not divinely orchestrated, universe.

10. The Dollar Sign: Get some body art that pays clever homage to “In God We Trust” being printed on U.S. currency. Replace the saying with “In Reason We Trust” or “E=mc2” or get a whole dollar bill tattoo design with the saying modified. You can go minimalist with just a lone dollar sign shaped to resemble an upside-down crucifix.

11. Pastafarian POV: A popular atheist symbol is the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the fake deity created by atheists to poke fun at supernatural religious beliefs. As a creature made of strands of spaghetti with two googly eyes protruding from a tangle of noodles, it makes for a hilarious and tongue-in-cheek tattoo for Pastafarians.

12. The Secular Mandala: A secular mandala, devoid of religious symbols, can represent the beauty and complexity of the natural world, reflecting an atheist’s appreciation for the universe’s inherent patterns and designs.

13. The Light of Reason: A lighthouse or a torch, symbols of guidance and illumination, can represent the light of reason guiding one through a world often obscured by superstition and dogma.

14. Angel and Devil: An angel whispering in one ear and the devil whispering in another makes for a thought-provoking atheist tattoo with a moral message. It symbolizes basing life decisions on rational thought and conscience rather than any outside religious authority or deity.

15. Seize the Day: Carpe Diem, meaning “seize the day” in Latin, is a life philosophy that fits well with atheist beliefs to make the most of the here and now rather than pin hopes on an uncertain afterlife. Get the phrase or just the visually striking clock face and flowers image showing mortality.

16. Mind over Matter: The notion that “mind over matter” and human willpower can push physical limits symbolizes an atheist’s faith in the power of human potential. The iconic image of a hand holding up a sphere conveys dominion over one’s material reality. Tattoo the famous Carl Sagan quote “We are made of star stuff” as the ultimate statement that mental prowess springs from cosmic lineage.

17. Our Brain: The human brain makes for a cool science-based tattoo choice representing critical thinking faculties and intellect triumphing over supernatural beliefs. Get an anatomical diagram of the brain, a nerve cell with firing synapses, or the famous image of neurons making connections. Einstein’s famous squiggly equation E=mc2 or a light bulb going off as a symbol of bright ideas also works.

18. Occam’s Razon Tattoo: Occam’s Razor is the problem-solving principle that the simplest solution tends to be the right one. As an atheist tattoo, it demonstrates a belief that natural explanations sufficiently explain mysteries without the unnecessary complication of gods, miracles, and superstition. Stylize the actual image of a razor blade and get the words or just the iconic razor inked.

19. Book and Snake: A book and snake tattoo portrays the pursuit of knowledge and wariness to resist “temptation” towards irrational beliefs. A skull replacing the letter O in “knowledge” adds symbolic emphasis on grappling with one’s mortality without the comforts of religion.

When choosing an atheist tattoo, it’s essential to consider what aspect of atheism resonates most with you. Is it the awe of the natural world, the commitment to science and reason, or the liberation from religious dogma? Your tattoo should be a reflection of your personal journey and beliefs.

Atheist Tattoos Symbolisms and Meanings

Atheist tattoos can resonate with anyone who values science, reason, and a secular approach to life, regardless of their specific label.

Rationality: Atheist tattoos often feature symbols that represent valuing evidence and critical thinking over faith, like atoms, the Darwin fish, or DNA helixes.

Spiritual Independence: Symbols of spiritual initiation without religion like the unicursal hexagram suggest finding inner enlightenment through self-work.

Belief in Science: Geological and cosmological motifs (e.g. galaxies, the sun) represent seeing the universe as guided by physical laws over divine will.

Keeping this theme in mind here we have compiled a photo gallery of the best Atheist tattoos that anyone can get inked on their body:

Skeptic or Atheist Tattoo

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Processed With VSCO With Oak2 PresetProcessed With VSCO With Oak2 Preset
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Atheist A Symbol Tattoo

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Traditional Atheist Tattoo

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Atheist tattoos make bold personal statements while looking artistically compelling as body art. They come in diverse designs but all identify the wearer as a free thinker who bases life philosophy on reason rather than faith. Atheist tattoos depict principles like logic, mortality, intellectual enlightenment, and Carpe Diem as guiding lights. What tattoo speaks to your inner atheist?

References: Atheism Wiki

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