All Fired Up – InkedMag


Photos by @sadswim

In the realm of social media, few creators manage to carve out a niche as uniquely as Emma Norton has. From special effects and character design makeup to modeling and acting that is packaged in her bubbly yet deeply introspective personality, Norton has firmly established herself as a force to be reckoned with in the industry. 

We got the chance to sit down with the multifaceted content creator to chat about the stories behind her tattoos, her approach to art and her passion for storytelling.

Hi Emma! Could you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about what you do? 

Hello! I am Emma Norton and I am a full-time creative. I’m passionate about special effects makeup, character design makeup and costuming as well as beauty. I’m a video content creator, model, actress and creative director. I like to have my hands in a lot of pots, that’s when I feel most fulfilled!

What were you like growing up?  What were some of your interests? 

I have been interested in the arts from a very young age. I was always crazy excited about Halloween, I loved Tim Burton, and I loved performing! My style has evolved over time, but my interests have remained the same. I was very into musical theatre as a kid and then later converted that passion to on-camera acting. Even when I was pretty young, I wanted to break the boundaries of what was expected from me creatively.  It has always been about creating something out of nothing for me, and my love for storytelling. In doing so, I hope I can help other people feel comfortable with being unapologetically themselves.  

How did you get your start as a content creator?  

During the pandemic, along with everyone else, I was losing my mind. I had lost my community, was stuck in my bedroom, and I needed a creative outlet so I started a TikTok account. By that time, I had auditioned for a number of movies and shows. Like all actors, I had to deal with not being chosen for parts that I had wanted badly. I think my starting on TikTok came from a place of feeling rejected professionally. I decided to take some of that into my own hands and create my own path. Honestly, it was a big experiment that changed a lot of the direction I was heading in.   

What’s your favorite TikTok that you’ve ever done? 

Oh, that’s a hard one. There are so many that I have loved. If I have to pick two, I would pick a collaboration that I did with PennyWise, the clown. One of my more recent favorites was my Barbie TikTok. The Barbie one was an interpretation that we all don’t need to be or look like Barbie to be beautiful. They are funny examples that reflect me—one is spooky, while the other is in the beauty lane. Clearly, I like to shake it up! 

Tell us a bit about your tattoos.

I mentioned that I love storytelling, and I have definitely considered my tattoos part of that storytelling. Each one of my tattoos hold a very special meaning to me.  

My first tattoo is a photo of my hands holding flames. All my life I have reminded myself, as cheesy as this sounds, that my inner flame (aka my drive) is more powerful than the fires (aka hardships) that surround me.  It’s super cheesy, but that initial tattoo holds powerful meaning for me.  There have been a lot of ups and downs along my path, but my tenacity is represented in those flames! 

My other favorite is my hand tattoo I spontaneously got in the middle of nowhere on a trip to Bali. This one has significance because the phases of the moon symbolize that, no matter what phase I am at in life, I am still whole. The eye symbol is surrounded by an image that symbolizes past, present and future.  This is a nod to trust that I am protected in my perspectives and life. The word “romanticism” is written in the same font that I have used on other tattoos. I guess you could say that I romanticize a lot of beliefs and actions.  

My most recent tattoo one was done by an incredible artist at Inked named Maria Alvarez.  The tattoo includes the same font, but this one says “perseverance” connected to some keys.  It also includes the touching hands—which represent to me the spark needed to carry on with perseverance.  

Are your tattoos a part of your looks?  How do you style them? 

I don’t really think about styling them.  Occasionally, I wear tops that show my sternum tattoo. . . the first one that I got. I think tattoos are an accessory, for sure. Like makeup, I think they make a bold statement about you. 

What are you most proud of at this point in your career?  

I am most proud of how I have handled myself, despite some of the obstacles that I have faced. I haven’t let the industry change how much I love this work or how much I love others. I am incredibly proud of the group of friends I have in my life. It’s hard work in Los Angeles to build real relationships, but I have found them in each and every one of my dear friends. What makes my friends different is that we all shine a light on one another’s accomplishments, never dimming that for anything! I feel so fortunate and proud of who is in my inner circle.  

You just had a birthday—what are you most looking forward to in this upcoming year?  

I am most looking forward to expanding on skills of mine that I haven’t yet explored. I thrive on pushing boundaries and getting scared to do something out of my comfort zone.  Getting more comfortable with being uncomfortable is on my personal agenda this year! The phrase “you’re not going to be great when you start, but you have to start to be great” really resonates with me.

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