Blissful Beach Tattoos – InkedMag


There’s no way we could go the whole summer without compiling a list of the most sublime beach-themed tattoos. We’ve all had unforgettable beach trips, whether they involved getting pummeled by barbaric waves, falling asleep in the sand without remembering to wear sunscreen, or digging absolutely egregious holes in the ground with nothing but plastic shovels and buckets. I can still recall beach trips where lifeguards had to tell me and my friends to stop our relentless digging once our trench was deep enough to go over our heads. Apparently, it was a “safety hazard,” but I think they just didn’t wanna see us win.

The point is, the beach is the place to be when you need an escape and a reset. Studies have proven that coastal environments have irrefutable positive effects on mental health and well-being due to a number of reasons. Firstly, those who live in proximity to a coast are more likely to engage in the recommended amount of weekly physical activity. These areas also promote more social interaction and spending quality time with friends and family. Additionally, several environmental factors such as temperature regulation and sea spray aerosols also contribute to the improved health and well-being.

I’m sure we can all attest that being on a beach at any time of the day can bring on a sense of calm and contentment like nothing else. During the day, soaking in the sun rays while simultaneously feeling the cool mist of the sea can pretty much reduce your stress to a slim nothing. Visiting the beach at night is also the perfect setting and catalyst for invaluable solace and reflection. Something about staring into the infinite horizon as the moon illuminates the crashing waves can make you realize just how miniscule your problems are. Hopefully, these tattoos elicit the same euphoric feeling of being right up on that coastline. One look over your shoulder will remind you that you’re never too far from earth’s most peaceful place. 

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