Ever wondered how you’d look at your tattoos at old age? Charlotte Guttenberg is the World’s most tattooed senior citizen and she looks lovely!
She is almost completely in ink and she earns a place in the new Guinness World Records 2017 Edition book as the senior woman with the most tattoos.
Charlotte Guttenberg is the Most Tattooed Female Senior citizen.
Guttenberg is 67 and has proved that she is fearless of pain and needles. Her body is exactly 91.5% covered in amazing colourful tattoos.
She is a writer, a certified personal trainer and a life coach from Melbourne, Florida. Her record winning story with tattoos started almost a decade ago. Charlotte got her first tattoo in 2006 but didn’t stop at only one. She continued to get more and more ink. Guttenberg got her first design as a birthday gift for herself. It was not long ago she lost her husband, and he was always against skin art.
Head to Toe
From that first experience, Pandora’s box was opened. Charlotte’s passion for tattoos spread all over her body, much like a wildfire.
Guttenberg says that she gets a lot of attention because of her inked skin. She’s always willing to talk about her ink when people ask her.
More is More
Despite the fact that she has almost all of the body covered with vivid and colourful tattoos, Charlotte wants to get more ink. She plans on adding even more tattoos. Her next piece of artwork will be by Billy Haydock from Alternative Connections Tattoo in Melbourne, Florida.
Most Tattooed Senior Couple
Despite being a Guinness Record holder and heavily modified person, Charlotte leads a fairly simple daily life. She lives with her partner, Chuck – Charles Helmke, who also has a full tattoo suit.
They both share the love for fitness and writing. At 75 years old, Chuck Helmke is a retired defense trainer and got his first tattoo in 1959, when he was in the US Army. He got a few more tattoos with some army buddies in 1960, and then went on a 40-year ink hiatus. He did not get another tattoo until 2000. His story resembles that of Charlotte a lot. He got more and more ink on his body until eventually, blank space became obsolete.
Chuck is also recently in the Guinness World Records as the Most tattooed male senior citizen. That makes him and Charlotte one hell of a couple doesn’t it!