The Mesmerising Legs of Julia Coldfront


You gotta love social media. I, personally, often hate it for the very same reason you have got to love it. Making people famous.

I will not get into all the bad examples out there that show how detrimental social media can be to society. Instead, I will talk about what a great asset it is for uncovering great new talent. Or a great pair of legs!

The person

What I am on about – or at least am trying to be – is a pair of gams known across the cyberspace, and especially in the tattooed world. We are talking, of course, about Julia Coldfront.

Even though she’s been modelling since she was eighteen, the German model and photographer is more widely known as the (briefly) anonymous owner of a pair of tightly tatted legs, which she shared with the world in a series of tasteful Instagram photos. Seeing just the first few of them, I still wonder how she is not a sneakers model yet. The combination of her traditional tats and those cute plain plimsolls is just so effortless, it has got to be styled!

The style

Julia herself says there isn’t a specific brand or person that influences her style. Mostly she draws inspiration from Tumblr posts and fashion nooks online. She does, however, prefer the comfort of the likes of Vans over other shoes. Unless she’s sporting a stunning tight dress and high heels, of course.

Wherever she draws her inspiration, it is definitely working for her as she has more than 52 000 followers on Instagram. And those curves do lend themselves to most styles easily.

The tattoos

Many people have a certain personal connection with their ink. Each piece needs to mark a life event or represent something or someone important in their lives. This is not the case here. Even though she has more ink showing than a lot of people, most of her tattoos have no special meaning. She simply likes the way they look and felt like having some woodland creatures (you can spot more than one deer on her) and other images adorning her person. I’ve put meaning behind my tats, but that’s still a fresh view on body modification in a world where everything needs to mean something. It’s almost an incarnation of art for art’s sake. Yet, according to an interview with Acclaim Magazine, tattoos on guys are just “Okay”.

There was also never an agenda behind her tattooing her legs hip to toe. There wasn’t a plan she was following, they just accumulated over time. One thing is clear for the future – she will not be inking her arms or chest. Why? Probably she just doesn’t like the look.

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