“What some people think makes us strange or weird we think is what makes us beautiful”, say the Suicide Girls and we couldn’t agree more.
If you’ve been looking for the hottest, most honest, unaltered photos of tattooed chicks out there, then look no further! Suicide Girls have something for everyone – different shapes, sizes, tattoo styles, set styles, visions. Professionally shot or selfies in a mirror, the images you’ll find there are the real deal.
Don’t let the name deter you. It’s derived from Chuck Palahniuk’s Survivor and it refers to social suicide only!
The Community
When I first discovered Suicide Girls years ago I had no idea they did fully nude photos. All I had were some almost NSFW photos of crazy sexy ladies with tattoos. Being a fan of both, I did not need any convincing or mission statement. I simply pored over their MySpace page (yes, that’s how long ago that was!).
Later on I found out not the just the full naughtiness that SG offers, but that they’re more than naked pics. The website (with paid membership, though) offers ample opportunities to get in touch with all sorts of people based on your interests. There is a real community going on, based first and foremost on the appreciation for the female form. All and any of them! Which is one its best features. There is no standard that you need to fulfil, there are no rules on what a set must be like. But there is the rule that bullying and discrimination of any kind is strictly forbidden. So you can be big, small, pasty white or chocolate brown, redhead or any colour(s) of the rainbow for that matter – you would be welcomed for what you are: a unique individual.
The Company
Of course, not everything can be peachy all the time when you get down and dirty with it. There used to be and might still be a lot of controversy around the platform’s aim to “feminise Internet pornography” and the dissatisfaction of some former models. I would rather not pick a side in that conversation, if only because I’m not nearly close enough to the issues to be able to discuss. But also, because it seems that the biggest fuss was taking place back in 2005-6 when the website was still relatively new, and the community quite small.
Since then, however, things have changed. Or at least grown. There have been adjustments to the contracts/model releases and some such legal keystones. But there’s also been a lot of additions to the SG portfolio. Now you can not only join the community, but wear the brand, purchase glossy photo books with selected photos, and even go to an all SG burlesque show. You can find the pink ladies at events like Comic-Con or find a dedicated meeting.
The Tattooed Ladies
A.k.a. Why we are all here. When the site was launched back in 2001 it was due to the lack of field for expression for models who have tattoos or other body modifications. One ex-SG model shares that before discovering Suicide Girls she always had to cover up her tattoos while modelling for agencies or websites. This is probably Suicide Girls biggest feat – they brought alternative models into the foreground as their main focus. Despite the occasional disagreements, it’s indisputable that this has helped a lot of modified models find work in mainstream modelling as well.
Now the network has expanded so much, that tattoos are not even a requirement for you to post your set on the website. You just have to be brave enough to put yourself out there – all of you, that is – and the decency to keep it classy. After all, we’re not talking straight up pornography here, but more aesthetic erotica. If you have tattoos and other modifications, that will always score you more points with us. But the beauty of self-expression is that it doesn’t have to be about other people’s approval. You can be as shy or geeky or quirky or weird as desired. Don’t believe be? Take a look at some examples below.